Celestial seasonings

"Mask" followed a series of now unavailable Fu Manchu films produced by Paramount, with Warner Oland (at the same time he was playing the infinitely more benign Asian stereotype Charlie Chan over at Fox) as the salivating embodiment of the Yellow Peril from Sax Rohmer’s popular novels.The two iconic Celestials, played by the same actor!
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Alas, Angry Asian Man isn't amused:
Yellowface fans, here's another cinematic treasure for you... 1932's The Mask of Fu Manchu is now available on DVD, part of Warner Brothers' "Hollywood Legends of Horror Collection." It really doesn't get much worse than this. Warner Oland in the titular role, with full yellowface makeup, playing the embodiment of the terrifying yellow peril: New DVD's: Horror From Hollywood. I'll admit, I'm sort of curious—I've actually never seen the film, or the many other entries in the series. But one look at that photo is all you really need to determine... That's racist!
I want to say, "Yes, but..."
But what?
Wasn't I practically foaming at the mouth at Sarah Silverman's non-apology for her "I hate ______" joke? (Videoclip found at Angry Asian Man.)
In 70 years, will I (still spry in my 100s!) suddenly find Silverman amusing?
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