Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Freudian slip

From Dizzyhead Brent (whose two-part Rivette epic concludes in the latest Cinema Scope):

Coffee, cigarettes, pasta, pizza, De Quincey, Bresson, Astaire, Kinks, cats, the first and middle fingers

Most other food, Kieslowski, Updike, The Doors, insects, Freud, the ring finger

Nabokov, Beatles, dogs, people, thumb

* * *

Bonus post—etymology of the day: "A 'rival,' for instance, is someone you are bickering with over river water rights." (A.E. Stallings at Harriet)

And: Over at the PEN America blog, David Haglund digs up a great George Plimpton memory, a name-dropper's delight in which a bit of advice from Steinbeck compels GP to address Jean Seberg while writing about going to a baseball game with Marianne Moore.

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Blogger Levi Stahl said...

What a great Plimpton story! I did know Marianne Moore was a baseball fan--her "Baseball and Writing" appears in the Library of America's Baseball: A Literary Anthology. It begins with a couple of spectacularly good lines:

Fanaticism? No. Writing is exciting
and baseball is like writing.
You can never tell with either
how it will go
or what you will do

Though he doesn't point it out in the post, if you look at the article you'll see that it wasn't just any old baseball game Plimpton watched with Moore--it was a World Series game!

11:17 PM  

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