Multi Dealer
1. From the invaluable MUG:

2. Which reminded me of something I wrote way back when (first two sentences only):
"Henry James deemed "summer afternoon" the most beautiful phrase in the English language; comic-book artist Adrian Tomine makes a case for Summer Blonde, conjuring an even headier collision of sense and season. The cover sports a pouty babe in tank top; that the story in question is as much about a sociopathic stalker and a ménage-à-trois artiste as the titular fair-haired girl is a buried punchline of sorts. . . . "
3. Which reminds me to mention a new project called Graphic Language, co-created by Dizzyhead Chrita. The inaugural post features his very smart interview with the very smart Douglas Wolk. It's a terrifically informative piece—not just for comics readers, but anyone who writes/thinks about criticism.
4. Which reminds me that there hasn't been a new Mr. Saturnhead in a while—I'll get on the horn ASAP! Those slackers! (Update: The situation has been remedied.)
5. Somewhat bizarre advice for fledgling fiction writers over at Moss Jervins.
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