Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Third Dream — "Hawaii" — Freud

This morning in the Times: A terrific article by Sophia Kishkovsky about the flourishing one-upmanship in Muscovite restaurant restroom design. One such eatery is called Cafe Freud. It contains three dining halls, Ego, Superego, and Id, and outrageously/thematically named dishes (a soup called Libido Sexualis).

There are a lot of great details, such as the "nearly 400-page volume on the history of Russian bathrooms and their place in world bathroom history" and a bistro named Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie.

But something else made me stare at the piece . . . a couple years ago, I had a dream in which I drove by a place called Cafe Freud — it must be something I wrote down, and I'll have Pru and Fred, the Dizzies interns, comb through my notebooks for more details. I do remember that the dream took place in somewhere like Honolulu or Taipei or perhaps Seoul.

Upon sitting down to write this deeply fascinating post, I found a mostly mystifying note that I made while in Hawaii (dateline Kauai, June 13, 2005):

Roosters all day, frogs in the parking lot all night—

UKELELE [drawing of ukelele]


1. 15¢ -> grandfather -> a photocopy ->

A check [reading:]
Fifteen Cents

2. Mailbox -> full of flour bag, etc. -> keep opening wrong one -> key is breaking


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