Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Disambiguations™ for March 30, 2010

Sylvester Stallone, deli counter attendant.
After getting no career traction as an actor in his 20s, Stallone attacked his 30s like any 5'3 man should: He wrote a movie where he was an all-American hero with unbelievable success in sports.

That movie was "Rocky"... he banged out the "Rocky" screenplay in three days, in between working at a deli counter and as a movie theater usher... and it launched his career with an Academy Award for Best Picture.

11 Famous People Who Were in Completely the Wrong Career at Age 30 (11 Points)

I used to read exclusively fantasy fiction for years. I loved Ursula LeGuin, the Earthsea Trilogy, The Sword of Shanara – David Eddings was a grocery checker at a local grocery store in Spokane where I grew up. —Benjamin Parzybok, author of Couch (via)

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