Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Novel ideas

This morning I finally finished Sean Wilsey's terrific memoir, Oh the Glory of It All. At one point he quotes a long passage from his (and also my) favorite Murakami novel, Norwegian Wood. When I checked to see if my copy was lying around the house, I found it on top of Aleksandar Hemon's Nowhere Man . . . (Dizzyheads know what's coming next.)

Can you think of other novels with Beatles songs for titles?

Game B: How many Elvis Costello songs provide titles for books? Here are two to start:
1. Waiting for the End of the World, Madison Smartt Bell
2. Less Than Zero, Bret Easton Ellis


Blogger Chris Tamarri said...

Well, on the E.C. front, there was, of course, High Fidelity (though I suppose you could argue that that title refered less to the song and more to the, um, fidelity). And there was a crappy comic a few years back, written by Warren Ellis, called Tokyo Storm Warning.

As for the Fab, the only things I could think of were the unfortunate Patrick Dempsey vehicle Can't Buy Me Love, wherein the Demp's character, against all advice, tries to prove that he can, in fact, buy him love; and a certain ill-considered blog of our acquaintance.

9:03 AM  
Blogger Jenny Davidson said...

I'm sorry to say that my brain doesn't work like this, but (slightly off topic) want to add that FOOL ON THE HILL is an amazing novel; somehow I missed it the first time round, but read it earlier this year and loved it. So if we take that together with these others (actually, I have a secret passion for HELTER SKELTER as well, and NORWEGIAN WOOD is like all of Murakami's novels insanely good), it seems like choosing a Beatles song title for a book might be a cunning plan...

2:05 PM  
Blogger Jenny Davidson said...

Oh, actually I just thought of David Mitchell's Number9dream...

2:06 PM  

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