Friday, September 12, 2008


This Sunday I'll be at the Brooklyn Book Festival for the second year in a row—despite not living in Brooklyn!—joining Chuck Klosterman and Charles Bock. We'll all be reading from our debut novels—CB from Beautiful Children, CK from the impending Downtown Owl, EP from that old chestnut Personal Days.

It's on Sunday, 9/14, at 5 p.m. on the Mainstage! More here.

See you there?!

And of course there are tons of other great readings/panels going on...

I hope the weather holds up....

I hope someone doesn't climb onstage and pat my head like last year.

Scene from last year's BBF: Chuck Klosterman, Rob Sheffield, and me. (I?)(Me.)("EP.")

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Blogger Unknown said...

I'm glad I caught this today! Your book is now on my wish list--I'll ride around on the subway reading it so you don't have to.

11:03 PM  
Blogger Ed Park said...

Thanks, Nicole! (Make sure to let out an audible chuckle every so often.)


10:20 PM  

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