Thursday, March 20, 2008


Clarkewatch! There's my LAT appreciation, and (taking a similar his-books-are-sciencey-but-religious approach) Edward Rothstein's in the NYT (with a nice mention of "Rescue Party," possibly the first Clarke story I read, in the anthology Great Tales of Action and Adventure!); LAT's Nick Owchar blogs about Clarke (focusing on "The Star") on Jacket Copy, as does David Ulin, who looks at Clarke's EGOgrams (kind of like his Walter Keyhole....or New-York Ghost?!)

Also in the NYT today: A great review of Dizzyhead Bill's Gaming the Vote, which I/you/we need to read ASAP!

William Poundstone’s “Gaming the Vote” arrives amid unusually high reader interest in equitable voting. And Mr. Poundstone is a clear, entertaining explicator of election science. He easily bridges the gaps between theoretical and popular thinking, between passionate political debate and cool mathematical certainty. These dichotomies can be drastic. If politics is a realm in which emotions run high, he notes, mathematics is “one of the few fields where it doesn’t matter what other people think.”

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Blogger Levi Stahl said...

I still get chills thinking of sitting up in bed when I was in high school and finishing Rendezvous with Rama--the closing line left me completely dumbstruck. As Clarke intended. One of the best moments in my reading life.

2:09 PM  

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