Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Table-talk of Parkus Grammaticus for January 22-23

I. January 22 is the 41st anniversary of the death of Harry Stephen Keeler.

II. Remember when I used to write film reviews for the PTSNBN? Me neither! But Google does—this just came up as a Google Alert: My "Rotten Tomatoes" page. (They must have redesigned it.) See what movie I called "irredeemably dull"! "Fun and nourishing"! "A gratifying playground of high-wire language"! (Huh?!) "Enthusiastically scored"! And of course, "Less a romance than a feature-length plug for 'N Sync and its personalities."

III. On a more somber note—the first film I ever reviewed for the PT... was A Knight's Tale, starring the late Heath Ledger.

IV. Levi heeds the Dizzies call and argues for Powell's superiority over Amis. (That's Anthony and Martin—not Padgett or Dawn and Kingsley!)



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