Monday, June 26, 2006

Food of the year!

This is what you do. Buy a bunch of grapes that are at the peak of tastiness. Wash them. Then put them in zip-loc bags and freeze them for a day.

Then eat them! They are amazingly good.

Walk around the house saying, "These are so good."

* * *

Q: What was the inspiration?
A: The way Jamba Juice uses frozen fruit for their smoothies. Last week, we were drinking like two Jamba Juices a day, so we thought we'd economize and make our own.
Q: But—grapes aren't typically part of the menu there...
A: Yes, I realize that. But there were some grapes in the thing led to another.
Q: Last summer you were all into "Shave ice."
A: Yes. But that was then...this is now.

* * *
Still not willing to trust the Dizzies when it comes to matters culinary? I Googled "frozen grapes" and found this.

* * *
Unrelated: New candidate for best American novel of the last 25 years: Gary Indiana's Do Everything in the Dark.


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