Friday, December 03, 2010

Protein-based robot? Check.

One of the commenters at Grognardia offers an even more complex Universe rule, for "battlefield awareness" (28.2):

The creature's Initiative Percentage is multiplied by the Terrain Value of the environ to determine the base awareness chance. The attributes of the party modify this chance as follows:

* Subtract twice the highest Environ skill level in the party
* Subtract the highest Battlefield Skill Level in the party (if the encounter is with an NPC, subtract the square of the highest Battlefield Skill Level)
* Subtract ten if the party possesses an operating neuroscanner and the creature is protein-based or more terran-like
* Subtract 20 if the party possesses a robot with a bio system and the creature is protein-based or more terran-like.
* Subtract the square of the highest Life Sense skill level in the party
* Subtract the square of the highest Mental Power rating in the party if the creature is intelligent
* Add 20 if the party is resting without a watch
* Add a variable amount if the party has exceeded the movement rate recommended in 26.4



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