Saturday, January 10, 2009

Forbidden or Compulsory

This is so great — XTC!


Other music notes — "Stacy's Mom" came up on the Shuffle — it sounds like THE CARS..........Also newly HILARIOUS to me: The second vocal that repeats the last few words of the first ("business trip...give me the slip").

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Blogger Quailty said...

Ed, this is unspeakably rad. Your "via" rightly notes the... notability of Andy Partridge's white-jeaned butt. More notes:

- "pop your acid spangle"??!??!?!? I guess in England in the late seventies, acid was sold in "spangle" form?!?!? I love this.

- could this really be a Rita Coolidge cover? I am inclined think not. If it is, they have rewritten the melody, if not the lyrics.

- they spray-painted "forbidden or compulsory" on their organ! I first heard this phrase from Dave Eggers's political serial/satire on salon dot com. But now I see he got it from T.H. White...?

- also I thought that the name of the show they're playing on, The Old Grey Whistle Test, was some sort of English acid-spangled nonsense -- but the real story is better:

"It was a 'tin pan alley' phrase from years ago. When they got the first pressing of a record they would play it to people they called the old greys. The ones they could remember and could whistle having heard it just once or twice had passed the old grey whistle test".

Hey, I think I missed the last bus -- is it cool if I crash here tonight? Here, in the COMMENTS SECTION OF YOUR BLOG????


1:26 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

Please stay as long as you want/as possible....make this your HOME AWAY FROM HOME....reasonable rates beginning at $0.00/night.....The word verification for this comment is "sulness"...that's like almost a real word...

How do you embed links in comments?

I feel safer here in the comments section.......


2:44 PM  
Blogger mika said...

it's totally great. great comments, too. seeing this post and the video again in my google reader just brought out all sorts of great! hi!

those flinty back-echo vocals are one of the best '90s popmotifs. even for that song in 2003.

12:37 AM  

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