Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekend photo supplement

My first sighting: Barnes & Noble, Lex @ 86th St., 5/13

Later, that evening: Barnes & Noble, Broadway @ 82nd St. Diminutive customer looks uninterested.

Barnes & Noble, Lincoln Triangle, 5/14:

57th St. Books, Chicago, 5/15 (Via Rocketlass):

Powell's Books, Portland, OR, 5/16:

Amazing placement at Borders, Columbus Circle:

Just kidding—it was really here:

...somehow the placement (Palahniuk/Park/Porizkova) made me think of that Billy Bragg song that begins, "Between Marx and marzipan in the dictionary/there was Mary/Between the deep blue sea and the devil/that was me..." (Ah yes: "The Short Answer"!)



Blogger Sarah Weinman said...

From the peanut gallery: a request for a photo of Duncan holding PD!

8:36 PM  
Blogger Mollie said...

Ach, dammit! I went on a quest to buy your book on Sunday after church. I started out going back downtown, toward the 82nd Street Barnes & Noble, but then I decided to do the truly "noble" thing and go uptown instead, where I could patronize one of those nice independent bookstores. Struck out at Book Culture (formerly Labyrinth), struck out at Morningside Books. Shame on you, Columbia-area retailers! Straight to B&N next time...

11:30 AM  
Blogger Jen Snow said...

The cheeks!

11:36 AM  
Blogger Ed Park said...

Molls — I have been going to Book Culture every couple days — they seem *not to want to carry it*! What to do?

(Whereas B&N is in a PD frenzy!)

Columbia-area Dzyds, if you're in Book Culture, sidle up to the counter and casually ask, "Do you think you'll be getting PERSONAL DAYS any time soon?" And let me know what they say....

2:00 PM  

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