Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Art of reading

Since 1968, Art Garfunkel has kept a list of all the books he's read (a project I once started, two computers ago, and abandoned—started for myself, that is—not for Art!). In general, it looks like he finishes about three books a month, a healthy clip.

His most recent list is from last January. It includes many novels (Lawrence, Stegner, Trollope, Wharton, Zola...), histories (of Europe, Japan, India), The Education of Henry Adams and Speak, Memory, and much more. Maybe he'll be updating soon...?

(Via Zoilus.)


Blogger Idalia said...

It's funny - I expected to be able to see him slowly running out of classics and having to go more and more esoteric. Instead here he is almost 1000 books later (almost at 1000! are we having a party?), still with The Age of Innocence and Women in Love on his plate.

Writers take note: The book to beat for inclusion on Art Garfunkels's list of favorites is Charles Bukowski's Post Office.

5:50 PM  

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