Wednesday, November 01, 2006

All Hallows' Roundup

1. The November Believer is out! Another action-packed issue, featuring Paul Collins on true crime, Scott Eden on the Evening Whirl (pictured), an interview with Irvine Welsh, Victoria Nelson (The Secret Life of Puppets) on the new Brothers Quay film, and more Time to subscribe, perhaps?! Maybe pick up this copy at the newsstand, and put your sub. order in for the big Dec./Jan. visual issue. Just a thought!

2. Vertiginous EP fiction (and artwork) at The Fanzine!

3. Monster-mashed EP reviewery at the Los Angeles Times!

4. Hot new New-York Ghost! Discover what one blogger lists among the 19 "Things That Keep Me Going These Days."

5. The amazing Lisa Robertson's journal at the Poetry Foundation site. (It went up in June but I'm reading it now.) LR is the mastermind behind the Office of Soft Architecture.

6. The current "Journal" is by William Logan. Sample: "I hate hate speech, I hate hate speech so much I hate myself for hating it. I hate the haters of hate speech just as I hate the haters of haters of hate speech. I hate hate speech so much I even hate the words “hate speech,” and if I hate hate hate hate speech long enough, hate it with the hatingest kind of hatred, probably hate speech will go away. I’m sure of it."

7. The Yale Herald on hipsters. Pointcounterpoint!

Choice quotes:

"[...] I’m [...] uninterested in hipsterdom, and I say that not to offend but rather to lend a voice to those among us who have never heard of Believer magazine, and don’t particularly care."

"Hipsterisms [...] could disappear from dialogue the instant they appear in The Village Voice."

"I wear the dreaded skinny jeans, I carry Moleskines, and I’m deeply fond of certain bands you may or may not have heard of. I don’t, however, wear thick black glasses or read The Believer[...]"

8. Great photos from Taiwan up at Hua's Palace. And Pop With a Face at the Shotgun Window has a great roundup of haunted songs.


Blogger Devin McKinney said...

"[...] I’m [...] uninterested in hipsterdom, and I say that not to offend but rather to lend a voice to those among us who have never heard of Believer magazine, and don’t particularly care."

But if he/she has him/herself heard of "Believer magazine," unlike "those among us," then he/she is not one of "us" -- and therefore unqualified to speak for "them"!
And how can you not "particularly care" about something you've never heard of?
This is the satirical sausage Yale is grinding out these days? I miss CCNY.

5:11 PM  
Blogger Hannah said...

The Yale Herald, man: that whole affair was an embarrassment. So chagrined was I my shit-eating grin ate shit and died. Please see. Or, actually, do not.

P.S. thanks for the link.

7:19 PM  

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