X jones

Courtesy the Light Reader, here's a delightful post from a blog called Ben and Alice, riffing off a Poynter report on the various uses of the letter X, and quoting from Poe's whimsical bit of printer's devilishness, "X-ing a Paragrab."
For an even more mysterious take on language, go here.
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My search for today's Keeler cover image led me to this intriguing site (for "Miskatonic University Press"!), where the proprietor has compiled a list of fictions containing footnotes (and fictions containing indexes). X-haustive!
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Apart from X. Jones, Keeler's got another X-titled book, The Search for X-Y-Z (which I haven't read). And to continue on this alphabetical track, the sort-of-sequel to X. Jones is one of my favorite Keelers, Y. Cheung, Business Detective.
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